Welcome to YODL! In addition to daily original content, YODL helps CFIN Members find new partners , resources , and funding opportunities to grow their food business. Learn more about this growing community and become a CFIN...
Canada has an extensive range of research centres, food incubators, accelerators and labs supporting food and beverage innovation through the research they do and/or the services they offer. Each week throughout 2023, we’ll be highlighting an organization that’s supporting food...
Canada has an extensive range of research centres, food incubators, accelerators and labs supporting food and beverage innovation through the research they do and/or the services they offer. Each week throughout 2023, we’ll be highlighting an organization that’s supporting food innovation in...
Happy Monday CFIN members! Here’s your weekly heads up on what’s happening on YODL and around the food world this week. The YODL Menu Monday: The Tablesetter – March 20 , 2023 Tuesday: ...
There are several sourcing of funding for companies working to develop new products, technology, and services for the emerging cellular agriculture industry in Canada. CFIN recently opened a new funding opportunity for food industry collaborators . CFIN’s ...
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This is one in a series of interviews with CFIN member companies that have successfully applied for and received fu n ding. Dartmouth, NS-based Smallfood Inc. uses microalgae and a proprietary biomass fermentation process to produce food...