Editor's Note: This article was originally published on 05-17-2023. CFIN premiered i ts latest virtual experience -- Cultivating Succes s : Canada's Big Biomanufacturing Opportunity . The experience was hosted by cellular food...
CFIN's Alex Barlow sat down with Yadira Tejeda Saldana of New Harvest to discuss how cellular food is created. Illustrations by Nick Counter for New Harvest. #cellularagriculture #cellularfood #precisionfermentation
Editor's Note: This article was originally published on 1-31-2023 The past few years have proven how susceptible Canada’s food industry is to world events, supply chain disruptions and climate changes. New food production technology, such as cellular agriculture, has the potential to...
Welcome to YODL! In addition to daily original content, YODL helps CFIN Members find new partners , resources , and funding opportunities to grow their food business. Learn more about this growing community and become a CFIN...