CFIN’s Unpuzzling: Greening your Food Manufacturing Operation Program – which is exclusively for CFIN’s Atlantic Canada members -- is designed to provide rapid support to food or beverage manufacturers who want to engage third-party support to analyze the sustainability of their operations. Program participants will develop action plans to address operational challenges related to the carbon footprint of their operations, or specific areas such as food waste, energy usage, or green packaging.
Who Can Participate?
Funded in part by the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency, this program is available to food and beverage manufacturers with at least 2 years of operations in one of the four Atlantic provinces: New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, or Newfoundland & Labrador. The project must take place at a facility in one of these provinces.
What Will the Program Cover?
The program will cover 70% of the costs of engaging a third-party consultant to conduct assessments, analysis, and strategy development related to green or sustainable practices, up to the maximum of $25,000 per applicant.
Application Intake
Our funds under this program call have now been fully allocated as of September 6, 2024. Stay tuned to our website and YODL platform for new funding launches.