Placemaking Summit 2023

When:  Oct 3, 2023 from 09:00 to 21:00 (PT)

The Placemaking Summit, while part of the Frontier Summit, holds its own distinctive place. It is a special gathering of local & global thought-leaders and pioneers in real estate development, city planning, government, economic development, and innovation ecosystem.

We're setting the stage to show why third spaces are essential for today's cities and how innovation hubs can revolutionize urban landscapes. Learn from the best practices we've gathered from the world-renowned tech hubs like Newlab in New York and Detroit, Station F in Paris, and ION in Houston.

The Placemaking Summit is more than just a meeting of minds - it's a decisive step towards shaping placemaking policies that will set the stage for private sector investment and breathe life into our vision of a centre of gravity being our innovation hub.

Join us as we navigate the critical years ahead. The Frontier Collective’s Innovation Hub and Vision Project will lead the way, showcasing research, reports, confluence events, collaborations, and advocating for a future untethered to any specific location or developer.


Fairmont Hotel Vancouver: Vancouver Island Room
900 West Georgia Street
Vancouver, BC V6C2W6