
The Tablesetter – February 20, 2023

By CFIN Newsdesk posted 02-20-2023 08:00



Happy Monday CFIN members! 


Here’s your weekly heads up on what’s happening on YODL and around the food world this week. 


The YODL Menu 

Monday: The TablesetterFebruary 20, 2023 

Tuesday: Agriculture cellulaire et aliments cultivés (Video) 

Wednesday: 50 Canadian FoodTech Resources Mycelium 

Thursday: Company Spotlight – TheoryMesh 

Friday: News File 


Something to Celebrate 

February 23 is National Banana Bread Day! Bananas began to be transported in bulk to North America in the early 1900s as improved refrigeration techniques became more available. While recipes for banana bread began appearing in the 1930s as a way to use up ripe bananas, and the quick bread became more popular following the publication of the Chiquita Banana Recipe Book in 1950. 


Food Facts 

Breakfast trends have changed dramatically over the years, from bacon and eggs to acai bowls. Click here to check out some of the most popular breakfast foods since 1950. 


Happy YODLing!