Happy Monday CFIN members!
Here's your weekly heads up on what’s happening on YODL and around the food world this week.
The YODL Menu
Did you notice we added a YODL Menu widget to our homepage? Now you can easily access all of our articles and keep track of what’s coming up.
Monday: The Tablesetter – September 12
Tuesday: Guest blog: Innovation in the circular economy of plastic packaging
Wednesday: From biowaste to sustainable packaging
Thursday: Challenge – Innovation and R&D in plastic alternatives
Friday: News File
Something to Celebrate
September 13 is international chocolate day! Chocolate was first used more than 4,000 years ago in Mesoamerica, as both medicine and during rituals. Eventually Mayan cultures began consuming it as a beverage and using the valuable commodity as a trade currency. Historians believe chocolate made it to Spain in the 16th century, and the expensive treat spread throughout Europe. Once the chocolate press was invented in the early 1800s, chocolate production became easier and less costly, making mass production of chocolate possible.
Food Facts
In 2012 historians uncovered a strange plan to assassinate UK Prime Minister Winston Churchill. The plan involved Nazi bomb makers coating an explosive with dark chocolate, then packaging it to look like a luxury chocolate bar. The bars were intended to be placed in the War Cabinet, but the plan was foiled by MI5 agents in 1943.
Happy YODLing!