
Staff Picks – Curtis Wong

By CFIN Newsdesk posted 08-18-2023 08:00


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A lot of material comes across our desks at CFIN, and we love to share new information with YODLers! This one in a series of articles highlighting what CFIN staff are reading, listening to, watching, and posting. This week we’re checking in with CFIN’s vice president of partnerships and development Curtis Wong. 

What are you reading? 

I recently finished Less is More: How Degrowth Will Save the World. In my second week at CFIN, in Guelph, ON I was recommended Dinner on Mars and Reality Check: Straight Talk About Sponsorship Marketing – I have not started either. I am now on Quit: The Power of Knowing When to Walk Away 


What are you listening to? 

Earlier this year, I read that as we get older, we listen to less and less new music, yet new music keeps us openminded and open to ideas and creativity as a generality. I find myself driving or walking listening to music either familiar or exploring new artists. 


I have always been on and off with podcasts, depending on what I am working on or going through in life I’m open to suggestions. 


Who are you following? 

I took a very extended break from social media, including closing two accounts, to spend less time on my phone. My last role before CFIN was engaged in the fight against food loss. With social support from the team, I found myself back on LinkedIn meeting great people educating about the challenges the entire food supply chain is having on every corner of the globe. I’m not following anyone per se, but I am constantly reading articles or reports from scientists, professors, farmers and others on what we all need to do to rid the unnecessary food insecurity everywhere. 


What are you watching? 

With so much heaviness in the world, lately I’ve been seeking out standup comedy. There is so much great writing out there, I wish I could delve into seasons and seasons of shows, but I tend to gravitate to movies or limited series.  


And I watch PokerGo – different styles and formats of the game have varied levels of my attention, but I love the psychology, math, the mental focus and everything poker teaches you about your own self, weaknesses, disciplines and areas I need to work on to be better at the game, but also life (I miss the freedom and time to play). 


What are you posting about? 

Again, I do not post too often. When I do its when I’m at a conference, economic development cohort or a speaking opportunity and want to express my gratitude to be able to work, travel and educate people about something I care about. 





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