
Staff Picks – Dana McCauley

By CFIN Newsdesk posted 07-07-2023 08:00


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A lot of material comes across our desks at CFIN, and we love to share new information with YODLers! This one in a series of articles highlighting what CFIN staff are reading, listening to, watching, and posting. This time we’re checking in with CFIN’s CEO Dana McCauley. 

What are you reading? 


It’s usually easier to ask me what I’m not reading! I’m a massive consumer of content of all kinds. Everyday I read a roster of newsletters from around the world to keep up with trends in the food sector. I’m also a lifelong learner so I always have a few business-related books on the go.  


Right now I’m reading the Hidden Psychology of Social Networks to learn about how to enhance YODL and I have both Teams for Dummies and Sharepoint for Dummies on the go as well. As a virtual organization where we work collaboratively, it’s essential that we use technology to simplify communication and project management.  


My university degree is in English Literature so I’m also a big fiction reader. If you’re planning some down time and want to get lost in a good book, I highly recommend I Have Some Questions For You by Rebecca Makkai and Sea of Tranquility by Emily St. John Mandel.  


What are you listening to? 


I love to listen to podcasts while I’m gardening and doing housework. I usually try to recharge my creativity when choosing podcasts so favs of mine are The Long Now and Ideas. I probably shouldn’t admit that I spent the spring getting in touch with my inner teenie bopper listening to my local dance music radio station; I woke up more than one day with “Can’t talk. Got a Beat in My Headphones” running through my brain. Now, I’m in a country diva’s phase that is all Dolly, all Patsy, all the time… 


Who are you following? 


I tend to follow sources that I can trust to have good quality information. For those interested in the food business in Canada, I follow Food in Canada, CIFST, Foodservice & Hospitality and Canadian Grocer. For an international lens, I watch what Matthieu Vincent, Elaine Watson, Danielle Nierenberg have to say.  


What are you watching? 


I’m in mourning since the end of Succession. Thank goodness The Bear is back to partially fill that void. As someone with a fine-dining restaurant background, that show delivers such authenticity.  


What are you posting about? 


Food innovation, of course! And Succession. And novels. And Wordle. And recipes. And my dog (yes, I’m one of those people! Search #kobehere on Instagram if you want proof.) 





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