
YODL Turns One!

By CFIN Newsdesk posted 06-27-2023 08:00


Welcome to YODL! In addition to daily original content, YODL helps CFIN Members find new partnersresources, and funding opportunities to grow their food business. Learn more about this growing community and become a CFIN Member (for free!) today 

It’s hard to believe that it’s been a full year since YODL launched on June 27 2022, during CFIN’s first year of operations. The one-of-a-kind, interactive platform for Canadian food and beverage businesses, suppliers and other stakeholders is now home to hundreds of articles, discussions and videos on issues affecting the industry, from food waste and plastic removal, to cellular food and artificial intelligence.  


Check out the infographic below to see more on the ways YODL is changing how the food and beverage industry interacts. 

For more on how YODL and CFIN can help your business, contact your Regional Innovation Director. 






CFIN Members get exclusive access to funding opportunitiesfive Regional Innovation Directors, and YODL. Learn more about what it’s like to be a CFIN Member and how you can join our growing community of food professionals.  



06-27-2023 08:14

Thank you to Canada’s food community for embracing YODL!

A year ago today I was on pins and needles, worried that this creation was going to be an echo chamber. instead, it’s a vibrant place where I learn new things and meet new innovators everyday!

I can’t wait to unveil the new features and forums that CFIN is cooking up for you. Expect announcements and launches from early autumn into spring time. And, don’t be surprised if we contact you to ask you to share your opinions on new ideas. We’re building YODL for you and that means we need you to help us solve your food innovation problems.