
Staff Picks – Linda Fox

By CFIN Newsdesk posted 06-16-2023 08:00


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A lot of material comes across our desks at CFIN, and we love to share new information with YODLers! This one in a series of articles highlighting what CFIN staff are reading, listening to, watching, and posting. This time we’re checking in with CFIN’s Regional Innovation Director for Ontario Linda Fox. 


What are you reading? 


I’m a big reader and will read almost anything (including the back of the cereal box). Mostly I tend toward Criminal Minds-type novels, and at the moment I’m diving deep into Nordic Noir – those are some very dark stories coming out of Scandinavia! On occasion I like to pick up a classic that I’ve not read and my last one was Anna Karenina, which I found surprisingly relevant and contemporary. 


Business-wise, I’m a fan of Malcolm Gladwell. And, no specific author, but I love to learn about the latest in marketing and consumer behaviour, so whatever comes across my desk or my feed (or as a recommendation, hint hint). 


Oh, and I LOVE travel books when trip planning. 


What are you listening to? 


Classic Rock for me, please. But, a friend recently introduced me to Twin Flames, an Indigenous duo that not only creates beautiful music, but also shares thought-provoking stories from their culture and experiences. I also recently discovered Chris Stapleton (listening to Tennessee Whiskey as I write), and I do like me some Patsy Cline from time to time. Eclectic or weird, your call! 


While I love the idea of podcasts, I’m more of a reader (see above) and so haven’t really cultivated a list. I do think I’m missing out though, so that’s a project for me in the coming months. 


Who are you following? 


Several news channels, including CBC and BBC. Too many food and tech experts on LinkedIn to list! 


What are you watching?  


Thrillers, Ted Lasso, British cop shows. I always keep my eye open for good documentaries. 


What are you posting about? 


I make a lot of use of LinkedIn to talk about the projects our members at CFIN have underway, and the programs we have in that realm. I remain amazed each day at the breadth of solutions our Canadian innovators are coming up with. 





CFIN Members get exclusive access to funding opportunitiesfive Regional Innovation Directors, and YODL. Learn more about what it’s like to be a CFIN Member and how you can join our growing community of food professionals.  


06-23-2023 16:48

@Dana McCauley - all suggestions are officially on my list.  These were ALL new to me; appreciate it!

06-23-2023 10:40

@Linda Fox I think I have a book recco for you:  I Have Some Questions for You by Rebecca Makkai.   Part murder mystery, part social commentary. 

Also, on the Country Music and Indigenous artist front, have you listened to William Prince?  I love his song Tanquaray.