
The Tablesetter - July 11

By CFIN Newsdesk posted 07-11-2022 08:00


Happy Monday CFIN members! 


Every Monday, we’ll give you a heads up on what will be appearing on YODL this week and around the food world. 


The YODL Menu 

This week watch for articles on: 


Monday: The YODL Menu, Something to Celebrate, Food Facts. 

Tuesday: Roundtable: Mergers and acquisitions in the food industry. 

Wednesday: Guest blog: Time to say goodbye? When to exit a business. 

Thursday: The rise of food apps, plus the Yuka app.

Friday: Friday News File 


Something to Celebrate 

July 13 is national French fry day. French fries are thought to have originated in Belgium, and grew in popularity in France during the 1700s where fat-fried frittes were served as a snack from street vendors. While Belgium boasts the world’s only French fry museum, the Frietmuseum the Canadian Potato Museum in O’Leary, PEI includes exhibits on all things potato, as well as an onsite restaurant featuring a mouth-watering variety of loaded fries. 


Food Facts 

McCain Foods Ltd. is the world’s largest manufacturer of frozen potato specialties. The Florenceville, NB-based company harvests nearly 6.8 million tons of potatoes annually and produces roughly one third of all frozen fries in the world, earning its hometown the title of French fry capital of the world.  


A 2017 survey of Canadians on behalf of McCain found that: 

  • 33% of respondents preferred straight cut fries over curly, shoestring or waffle cut versions. 
  • 63% of women reported sharing their fries, but only 49% of men said they share. 
  • Almost 50% of respondents said they like to dip their fries in a topping, while 35% pour their topping over the fries, and 15% do both. 
  • 52% of respondents nationally said they would choose plain French fries over poutine, but in Quebec 65% said they preferred poutine. 


Happy YODLing! 


