Les exploitants d’aliments et de boissons nous disent qu’ils ont fait de l’élimination du plastique une priorité dans leurs entreprises, et beaucoup recherchent des innovations uniques telles que des emballages produits à partir de biodéchets. Participants Dr...
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This article originally appeared on the Food in Canada website . Atlantic Canada’s seafood industry is challenged with how to deal with processing by-products and waste more sustainably. At the same time, the plastics industry is looking for greener packaging alternatives...
Plastics are everywhere in the food industry, from component parts in operations to packaging, wrapping during distribution and single-use consumer materials. As Canada moves toward a circular economy without plastic waste, many food and beverage entrepreneurs are wondering just how to begin the...
One of the hardest parts of finding alternatives to plastic packaging is financing. Innovations that replace plastic are often more costly in the short term, or may need expensive adjustments to fit exact product requirements. But there are options available to food and beverage operators...
CFIN's recent plastics use survey asked members what alternatives to plastics they're using or considering using in their company. Here's what they told us: #FIC #FoodInnovation #plastics #plasticwaste #recycling #reuse #reducingplastics
CFIN's recent plastics use survey asked members if reducing plastic and plastic waste in their operations was a priority for their company. Here's what they told us: #FIC #FoodInnovation #plastics #plasticwaste #recycling #reuse #reducingplastics
CFIN's recent plastics use survey asked members what barriers they experience to reducing or eliminating plastics use in their operations. Here's what they told us: #FIC #FoodInnovation #plastics #plasticwaste #recycling #reuse #reducingplastics
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CFIN's recent plastics use survey asked members how they use plastics in their operations. Here's what they told us: #FIC #FoodInnovation #plastics #plasticwaste #recycling #reuse #reducingplastics