Welcome to YODL! In addition to daily original content, YODL helps CFIN Members find new partners , resources , and funding opportunities to grow their food business. Learn more about this growing community and become a CFIN...
Research and development of cellular food has been ongoing for more than four decades. In coming weeks we'll be discussing more recent developments in cellular food innovation in Canada and around the world. On February 9, 2023 CFIN is presenting an information session on its fourth Food...
After a full year of operations, CFIN has a lot to be proud of – from building a national organization in a virtual environment, to creating a community of food innovators, and funding innovative food projects across Canada. CEO @Joe Lake spoke with @CarolynCooper about some...
By Carol Zweep When it comes to the circular economy of plastics, innovative solutions continue to be introduced to the market. These options offer alternatives to traditional plastics, reducing landfill waste and impacts on the environment. Edible and biodegradable...
This is one in a series of interviews with CFIN member companies that have successfully applied for and received funding. Calgary, AB-based Nutrimeals Inc. offers healthy, ready-to-eat meals incorporating personalized nutrition and fitness requirements and delivers them...
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This is one in a series of interviews with CFIN member companies that have successfully applied for and received funding . Burnaby, BC-based TrendiTech Inc. upcycles food waste to produce nutrient-dense products. The company is receiving $85,667 in funding through CFIN...
CFIN's recent plastics use survey asked members what barriers they experience to reducing or eliminating plastics use in their operations. Here's what they told us: #FIC #FoodInnovation #plastics #plasticwaste #recycling #reuse #reducingplastics
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This is one in a series of interviews with CFIN member companies that have successfully applied for and received funding . Kitchener, ON-based Henry’s Tempeh Inc. produces organic, sustainable tempeh. The company is receiving $61,051 in funding through CFIN’s...