Welcome to YODL! In addition to daily original content, YODL helps CFIN Members find new partners , resources , and funding opportunities to grow their food business. Learn more about this growing community and become a CFIN...
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It’s been cold outside, but YODL was hot in December! In case you missed them, here are the top five discussions taking place in the past month. Number 5 Co-Packing Opportunity | Open Forum (cfin-rcia.ca) Many YODLers are looking for co-packers, judging by the...
Since launching earlier this year, YODL has become the food industry’s virtual meeting place for lively and informative industry-related discussions. In case you missed them, here are the top five discussions taking place in 2022. Number 5 Food packaging/Co Packer | Open...
CFIN CEO @JoeLake delivered the keynote address at CIFST ALT , which took place in Toronto in September 2022. In the video below, listen to Joe speak about why food and beverage companies struggle to collaborate, and how they can overcome those challenges. #CIFSTALT ...
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After a full year of operations, CFIN has a lot to be proud of – from building a national organization in a virtual environment, to creating a community of food innovators, and funding innovative food projects across Canada. CEO @Joe Lake spoke with @CarolynCooper about some...
CFIN is partnering with the Canadian Institute of Food Science & Technology (CIFST) to present CIFST ALT on September 28, 2022 at the Delta Toronto Airport Hotel & Convention Centre. CFIN CEO Joe Lake will be delivering the keynote address during the event,...