Venturepark Summit: From Shelf to Success

When:  Oct 22, 2024 from 08:30 to 17:00 (ET)

This event is designed to support food, beverage and packaged goods companies to learn, connect and navigate the food and consumer packaged goods industry. 

Join us for a day packed with industry experts and influential founders who will share their retail strategies, market insights, and advice on expanding distribution to help you build your business and succeed at retail. 

Plus, connect with specially selected industry service providers on display in the afternoon networking hall, including the team from CFIN!  

A key highlight? Arlene Dickinson, founder of District Ventures Capital and Venturepark, best selling author, and CBC Dragons' Den star will be sharing her expert insights on scaling your brand and overcoming the biggest challenges facing emerging food and packaged goods entrepreneurs today. 

Also, do not miss the chance to connect with and hear from the team at Sobeys on how to succeed in the Sobeys' Local Supplier Development Program and beyond.  Submit your questions for Sobeys about the Local Supplier Program when you register! 

Venturepark Labs has been a Canadian food, beverage and packaged goods accelerator and support ecosystem since 2015 and we are pleased to bring you this event with the support of our partners at Sobeys and BMO. 


Japanese Canadian Cultural Centre
6 Sakura Way
Toronto, ON